Life update/ getting life together..

So the last year for me has been really very difficult, I’ve been struggling a lot with anxiety, depression and stress. As anyone who has had it knows that it consumes your whole life and it controls every decision you make and everything you do.

Since finishing university almost two years ago my life has changed a lot! Finishing education is a mile stone but it is also very stressful as it is now time for you to take control of your life without anyone telling you what decisions to make and what direction to go in. For me decision making has always been my weakness and I have always kept my options open for any opportunities, however, I feel like this might have backfired on me as I now have waaayyy too many different options and routes to take for completely different careers.

I’m the type of person to not only not make decsiosn but to also get swayed by other peoples opinions. everytime someone says they can see me doing this career I can then also see myself doing that.

So as of right now I have about 3/4 different options that I would like to do which all require doing specific training or courses to become qualified. I haven’t started any training yet but hopefully this year I will be starting training for one of my options. I guess we just see how it goes from there?

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